In a less frenzied market, King County’s median home price is nearly $1M
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July 12, 2022“Shift Your Perspective”
“If you can learn to reframe your mind from one of negativity into one of positivity, it will completely change your life.”
(Post from Greg Bell)
As all of you know that read my Market Update 2022, I try to find something that may resonate with you; from someone I have read or what I have learned, and may have an impact or remind us of all the good we are doing today.
We may need slow down a minute to realize that with our busy schedules, whatcould help us see the world we live in differently? A lot of times, we’re in situations where, if we just reframe our “challenging” situation, we will come up with a different perspective on how to deal with it. The problem may not change, but our attitude would. “Reframing is a critical skill that can help us get through life and turn a negative situation into something positive (or at least not as negative).”
Greg gives a few examples:
- Self-Coach yourself: Find things that are going well can help change your perspective with a focus on what is good instead of not so good.
- When Things Aren’t Going well, Find a Lesson: Ask yourself what lesson you can learn from it? Because if you can learn from it, you can avoid it in the future and help others overcome those same difficulties.
- Use Stories from the Past to Overcome Something Current: When facing something challenging think about all the challenging things you have overcome. Use this knowledge to affirm that you can overcome the current challenge(s) you face.
We have experienced a great deal over the past few years and with that has come forth new opportunities to grow and be relevant in an ever-changing world. I by no means am an expert on this, but I do know that I need to find what works for me or reminds me of a time past where we found a way.
I am so appreciative that I get to work in an industry where change continues to help define us and make what we do for those we serve even better. The good news…is we do!!!
Enjoy your summer and thanks for reading our Market Update!